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Case stories

In our approach we always take our 4-D model as a starting point. Every day, within our assignment, we are dipping, designing, defining and doing. Often in this order, but certainly not always. This means that we (Dock-in together with the client) continuously adjust, calibrate and connect. That's what makes it so much fun! You make a plan, have an idea and then you look at what is there, what is needed to create unity, to stimulate energy from below, demand-driven, to achieve the goals.


Our case stories show what this can look like in practice.

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For organizations

In the past years we have supported and guided dozens of organizations. Varying in size and sector. However one thing is omnipresent: change is a constant. Smart adaptation, working more efficiently and achieving results faster is a common motto. But doesn’t that happen at the expense of cohesion and connection? Combined with the increasing flexibility in working hours and hybrid workplaces, organizations are facing new issues such as:


  • Back to the office, but how?

  • Teams work in their own silos, how do we increase coordination and

  • cooperation?

  • Where do we find support for the continuous changes in the organization?

  • How do we create a high performance culture within our organization?


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For teams

We are often asked to help improve the performance of teams. To us this makes sense, since most achievements are made in a team. In our experience, sustainable performance is often largely determined by the quality of the collaborative relationships. Questions clients ask us are:


  • How do we ensure that the team can handle the high workload and is able to continue to deliver?

  • How do we ensure well-functioning teams after a restructuring?

  • The team functions reasonably well, but how can we bring this to the next level?

  • How do we deal with friction within the team?


For the professional

We work for many professional organizations where content-driven professionals are active. Very inspiring. In our programs we notice that the professional gains strength as an expert when they remain in contact with their environment. This ensures the greatest impact and added value. It also guarantees that the expertise remains up-to-date. Questions we are often confronted with are:


  • Our professionals have to work more demand-driven, how do we achieve that?

  • We have solid subject matter experts, how do we ensure that they remain customer focused?

  • How do we ensure that professionals continue to develop in on the job?

  • How do we ensure knowledge sharing between professionals takes place?

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For leaders

Managers are often a tower of strength in uncertain times. This requires that they as leaders are solid, connected and grounded themselves. For us, that is the starting point in leadership development. In our Ad Fontes program we answer questions many organizations approach us with:


  • How do we make sure our people engage with the organization?

  • How do we deal with the uncertainty our employees experience, while our organization is going through continuous change?

  • How do we ensure that the many talents present in our organization are better utilized?

  • How do we develop up-and-coming managers into strong leaders?

Case story: Online connected

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